Better Together!


Recently I arrived at my church home early and sat in the foyer talking to an elder member of the church, as we looked at each other over our facemasks; we shared common concerns about the pandemic and what Jesus can do.

Although we’re from different generations, we share the same beliefs. We discussed our thoughts on the state of the church, our community and our political concerns.

I learned when I was youg to respect and listen to my elders, I understand their wisdom is invaluable (Leviticus 19:32.) This teaching started within my own family, but it applies to whatever community I am a part of.

Especially within the church community, since I have a deep desire to grow in my faith, I am eager to learn from the senior members of my church. Even if we don’t always agree on everything, we can still learn something from each other, dare to believe differently!

Typically, I don’t discuss my political views or conservative beliefs. But this particular Sunday morning the subject came rather naturally with the woman. She shared that in her nearly 80 years of life she had never Witnessed the country, our party or our community so divided.

It broke my heart as I listened to how she felt forgotten and belittled. Perhaps even betrayed by a party she has supported over half her life. She remembered a time when the nation and party stood together in unity. Like me, she never imagined America could be so divided!



While working on this blog, I went on a weekend getaway to North Georgia for some hiking and biking. While there I crossed the Eastern Continental Divide, an imaginary line that separates the easterly Atlantic Seaboard watershed from the westerly Gulf of Mexico watershed. Although the line isn’t visible, the direction of which way the water flows is obviously divided.


America has always had its differences, but stood together as one nation. However, the stress of the pandemic has caused more divisive issues; we are more divided than ever by a Criminal-in-chief.

Decisive issues like abortion and gay rights have never divided America like it is now. Liberals are divided; conservatives are divided and even families are divided. Yet, we must all maintain the title of Americans, indivisible.

It was that way through the Civil War, Vietnam War; but now it is a war on America, not just our beliefs. The American Way, American livelihood has been politicized to the point of choosing between the economy and lives of the citizens; which is monsterous.

That is why I’m not a big fan of politics, politics are based on appeasing people; as a conservative I am more focused on pleasing God, that’s the Christian faith (Proverbs 16:7, Matthew 10:28.) God only knows what tomorrow holds.

If you don’t know me, I have never been a people pleaser. I stand on my convictions and my faith, yet respect the beliefs and differences of others at the same time; I pray you can give me respect  too. I have good friends and colleagues whom I don’t agree with on many things, but I don’t push them away because I look at differences as an opportunity to learn from each other and strengthen our bonds.



Unless of course they are headset on their views and refuse to even hear what others have to say. The church proves it is possible for different people with different abilities to work together for a greater good; all things beautiful aren’t the same.

Unfortunately, in America today there are many who only seek their agendas that cause divisions, when personal agendas take precedence over serving and helping each other; my friends regardless of your political party, this is not a Christian teaching or a wise way to live, it’s your love that allows you to listen to others and love brings healing.

One of the core principles of Christianity is a community, which is empowered by love and service to others, not self (John 17:21-24.) The Trinity of the Godhead embodies how we should work together.

Jesus stated that our ability to work together as one in the church is evidence of our faith (John 17: 21.) Unity is a very Jewish teaching most of Jesus'’ followers would relate to (Proverbs 27:17, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12.)

While God uses our differences to strengthen us, Satan uses them to divide. This is the truth Jesus taught to the Pharisees about how God’s Kingdom works (Matthew 12:22-28.) Satan’s plan has always been to divide and conquer, he did it in Heaven and he is trying to do it here.

Satan can even divide our attention and hearts. When I was younger I was constantly chasing every selfish dream. I was so busy that it was hard to hear God’s still small voice.


 That isn’t the Holy Spirit working in our hearts, it’s Satan dividing hearts from knowing God’s will. When I was in my 20s an elderly couple I sang with in choir invited me out for lunch.

I declined because I didn’t want to miss out on a bike ride. I was saddened a few days later when I showed up for choir practice and learned that the elderly wife had suffered an aneurysm and died. I’ll never get the chance to sing or sit with her again on this side of Heaven. Why wait for Glory to get along?

That incident changed my perspective on doing what I wanted like a Puppet. It reminded me to slow down and listen to what God is saying through others.

Since God made all of us different, I am free to believe what I choose because we each have a unique perspective. This gives us an opportunity to learn from each other.  I have learned to hear God speaking through other Christians I respect, our Jewish forefathers understood the importance of listening to others —especially older believers (Proverbs 12:15, Ecclesiastes 3:7.) I am thankful we are better together!

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