
Last month I had a discussion with a friend about God’s sovereignty. We talked about how God’s purpose prevails, although we (mankind) have our plans; because God has known everything that will happen from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10).

He knows if we win in life, He knows our names and hears us when we pray (Psalm 1:6, John 10:11, 2 Timothy 2:19). God created everything for a purpose.

Purpose has become the desire for most people. Yet, it is as elusive as a deer. The problem with the plans of man is we can't help but serve ourselves.

This is why Rick Warren has written numerous books about purpose. Everyone is trying to find their way. Purpose drives us all.

PURPOSE? defines purpose as: “The object toward which one strives or for which something exists; the reason for which anything is done, created, or exists.”

There’s a difference between God’s purposes and man’s, it’s not all about you. God’s purposes glorify God—the plans of man glorify himself. The prophets declared God’s ways are higher than ours (Psalm 103:11; Isaiah 14:24, 55:9) Scripture is clear, no man can comprehend the plans of God (Ecclesiastes 8:17, 1 Corinthians 2:11).

For this reason I am leery of anyone who claims God audibly talks to them. God speaks clearly through His Spirit, Word and creation. He has since the beginning. Rick Warren suggests every particle in the universe serves a purpose; big or small, God has a purpose for it.

Technology will ever help man understand everything. As summer draws to an end, swarms of flies increase. They stick to your skin like beads of sweat.
To most, flies are useless; I have learned they serve a purpose in God’s creation.

Flies are a food source for birds. Remember, Jesus’ taught His followers not to worry about their needs, because God takes care of the birds who don’t work for a paycheck (Matthew 6:25-27)!

Our needs and desires shouldn’t drive us. That’s God’s business. The Apostle Paul preached this to the church (Romans 8:28-29). Even if life doesn’t get easier, someday man will learn, life is about nothing but You, Lord—You drive everything!


What we pursue drives us. Anything other than God could be considered sinful, we are free in Christ, but not free to pursue everything we want (Romans 6:19-20). I’ve experienced this myself.

On July 4th I decided to drive to a nearby town to visit some of my college hangouts and go to my favorite restaurant for lunch.

I had so much fun, I couldn't quit; I spent hours walking around town reminiscing about the good ‘ole days when the world had all my love. I got so caught up, I lost track of time and headed home late.

Forty minutes from my house, I got pulled over. Fortunately, I was given a warning and urged to slow down. When I got home I was satisfied I had learned my lesson.

But, just before I entered my house, I stepped on a bee. Two days later I was at my doctor. All because of the useless bee!

Nothing could be further from the truth. Bees serve a purpose in nature; God uses them to feed plants through pollination. Again, we see God’s purpose in Mother Nature’s drive!

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