
Like many others reading this blog, I grew up watching the cartoon Fat Albert. During those thirty minutes, I would find SOLACE. I was a chubby and mischievous little boy. I was far from perfect.

Young and naive, yet ever the nerd and geek, mischief befriended me. Fortunately, I had an Army Sargent as a father. He disciplined and corrected me out of his love.

One of my fondest memories as a child was going trout fishing with him in Colorado. Honestly, I never really got into fishing and entertained myself with mischief.

On one particular trip, there was a long swaying bridge that hung low over a pond. I decided to chase some other kids across it and about midway; the bridge flip-flopped dumping myself and other kids into the pond.

I wasn’t trying to WALK ON WATER; I learned first-hand that I didn’t have the SAME POWER as Jesus. The avid fishers were furious, having a bunch of kids flopping around in the pond like fish out of water. Much like fat Albert and the Cosby kids, we didn’t fit in.

I was heartbroken a few months ago when the news outlets flooded the airwaves with the stories of comedian Bill Cosby’s infidelities and criminal activities. I’m afraid his wholesome LEGACY has faded like the cult classic he voiced for half a decade.

His experience and popularity couldn’t save him from his own sinfulness and depravity. And that is what this special SUMMER blog will be about, the depravity of man.


Depravity is, “A corrupt act or practice. The quality or state of being depraved.” The Bible authors are explicit about the deprived state of man (Genesis 6:5, Isaiah 64:6, Jeremiah 17:9, Romans 3:23, 7:18 Ephesians 2:3).

I knew at an early age just how BAD I am, I knew I’m a SINNER. This is why parents have to teach children to behave (like my father). Last month a Florida State football player was caught on camera hitting a woman in a bar.

During the interview with his mother she exclaimed, “I raised my children to never hit a woman and I thought I did a good job teaching them.” What she fails to realize is that ever since sin entered the world after the fall in the garden, everything is tainted by sin.

Although this year, it seems like the whole world has gone out of control! Even the church has become a MAD HAVEN of wickedness.

The threat of I.S.I.S. has reached the homeland. The U. S. Supreme Court has tried to redefine marriage by legalizing same-sex marriage. While many believe that the homosexual lifestyle is part of the evolution of man and the ruling helps love and equality MOVE FORWARD, it actually is more of a regression back to that 1st FREEDOM twisted in the garden. No, it isn’t a NEW WORLD after all; it goes back millions of years.

Science recognizes homosexuality in animals and nature. History dates homosexuality back thousands of years (including the Bible). It’s our sin nature that causes us to crave the ungodly.

Sin makes us feel alive, when actually we are dieing (Genesis 2:17). That’s the DECEPTION of sin. It’s just like the season of summer, Mother Nature is in full bloom and everything seems full of life, when death is just around the corner.

Perhaps this is why King Solomon said everything under the sun is meaningless (Ecclesiastes 1:1-11). I’m not sure about anyone else, but I can FEEL IT deep within my heart before sin ever rears its ugly head as rage, lust, greed or jealousy.

Let’s be real, it’s like the ultimate ROLLERCOASTER and we like to do it. This is why the apostle Paul reminds us, we are all sinners and have fallen short (Romans 3:23).

But, WHEN I FALL I can’t help but think WHAT HAVE I DONE. Like the psalmist, I am so tired of my own sin . . .of JUST BEING ME. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. However, FEAR NOT, there is some good news. So, LIFT YOUR WEARY HEAD SINNER.

Amazing Grace?

There is nothing we can do to save ourselves; we cannot be GOOD ENOUGH to cover all of our sins. The prophet Isaiah declared our righteous acts as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6).

Still, God is our biggest cheerleader. He wants to see us finish the race well. If we surrender our lives to Him and let Him take control, we become FLAWLESS and one day we’ll each receive a CROWN. We are saved by grace, not works.

That’s why it’s called amazing grace! There is freedom from sin or freedom to sin. Choose wisely, because we are all fallen.

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