The Curse: Slice Of Heaven?

In his book Lost Paradise John Milton states, “You can make a hell out of heaven or a heaven of hell depending on your state of mind.” It all depends on what makes you happy at the time. When I was growing up my mother’s favorite saying was, “If mama ain’t happy, nobody is”; which is appropriate seeing how we will celebrate Mother’s Day in a little over a week and today would’ve been my parents’ forty-ninth wedding anniversary if they were alive. But I’m confident that they are better off now and happier since they are both in heaven. Earlier this year I wrote a blog about heaven and how God is going to restore everything back to its original state.

A few months back I was fortunate enough to go back to Colorado for a couple of weeks and God gave me a wake-up call. I began to see how bad the curse has distorted our view of heaven. You see, from the moment I stepped out of the airport on my way to pick up the rental car, I felt like I was home. Even at night with the mountains outlined in light I had so much peace that it felt like heaven on earth for me.

I’m sure that many reading this can understand what I was feeling. For some it might be the taste of chocolate that they’ve been dreaming of all week, for some it may be a chocolate waterfall. For others it may be like wine after a hard day’s work. And for many it’s the simple touch of a lover they long for. But, for me it was simply being back in Colorado and knowing the adventures and sights that awaited me.

If you’ve never been to Colorado, especially the “Springs” area, there is a plethora of things to do and for an outdoor enthusiast like myself, it can be overwhelming. Garden of the Gods is a beautiful red rock garden with miles of paths and trails on the perimeter of the city; the U.S. Olympic training Center is located downtown. To the west in the foothills is Manitou Springs with the cog railroad, Manitou incline and the Indian cliff dwellings. A little north of the city is one of my favorite places to visit, Seven Falls.

Unfortunately, the mudslides a few years back have ruined this magnificent WATERFALL. The curse has affected more than just mankind, nature and all creation have been impacted by sin (Romans 8:19–20). This is why even our favorite pets will SUFFER a painful death one day. But then again what does it matter? Even our pets go to heaven, right? And that’s what this new blog will be about, how the curse has impacted our view of heaven.


I’m pretty sure that each of us has a different perspective of what heaven will be like. But I stand with Dr. David Platt—the Bible is clear that not only can we not imagine how glorious and beautiful heaven will be—no one has ever gone there and come back except Jesus to pay the debt for our sin and defeat the curse at CALVARY. Not to be COCKY, but I’m Heaven knows I'm ready to go. ARE YOU READY? Say Amen.

The apostle Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus that God raised us up with Christ so that in the coming age (heaven) He will show us incomparable riches of His grace that we have received BY THE FAITH (Ephesians 2:3-7). Pastor John Piper recently tweeted, “Grace is power, not just pardon.” If you think the grace of God in this life is awesome, just wait to you get to heaven!

This is why I’m not bothered by the thought of dying; I know that the moment after I breathe my last breath, I will stand before the Almighty God. The bright lights from being in His presence will leave me SPEECHLESS as I try to say something when I look upon the Lord. But I’m confident that words will escape me as I take in the beautiful things of heaven. Personally, I don’t believe that this world can even give us a glimpse of heaven, because this world is tainted with sin and under the curse. This world is all about being selfish and pursuing temporary pleasures.


According to Webster’s dictionary hedonism is, “The doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the sole or chief good in life.” This belief places the emphasis on us and our happiness and pleasure. While there are obvious cults that teach this, I’m more concerned about pastors and mainline churches that have let this teaching slip in to biblical doctrine. Let me be LOUD AND CLEAR, Redemption is the HEARTBEAT of the gospel, not self-gratification or good fortune. OUR GOD IS GREATER than any petty riches of this world. Hedonists believe they have a piece of heaven, when it’s really hell. Hedonists live for the moment, Christians live for eternity.

If you refuse to be denied the pleasures of this world you’re likely a hedonist disguised as a Christian. This is why I am personally turned off when I see Christian women that I’m interested in posting pictures of themselves out partying or drinking, I’ve seen my share of WILDTHINGS and I see this more and more as I get older. They keep playing the SAME OLE, SAME OLE games. The apostle Paul warned his protégé Timothy that in the last days of this world many in the church will turn away from biblical teaching (2 Timothy 4:3).

Hedonism is the opposite of Christianity. Christian life can be a happy one but that’s not the focus of the Christian life, Jesus and the good news is; sharing the love of God is, not the love of this world. Hedonism says you don’t have to suffer in life; it’s a bed of roses and live it to the fullest. Christianity says, “In this world YOU WILL have trials” (John 16:33). In this life you will have DARK DAYS AND DARKER NIGHTS. And I personally DON’T WANT TO STAY another night. Hedonism says you deserve the best of this world. Christianity says, “We all deserve hell” (Isaiah 59:2).

Hedonism says give me everything, I deserve it. Christianity says, “Take my life, it’s yours.” Hedonism says, "Do life big.” Christianity says, “He must increase and I must decrease” (John 3:30). Hedonism says, “Get whatever you can.” Christianity says, “Give everything you’ve got away and then you will have treasures in heaven” (Matthew 19:21). Hedonism says, “Speak life and make everyone happy.” Christianity says, “SPEAK the truth always” (Matthew 5:33–37; 23:16–22; Ephesians 4:15). Hedonism says, “He who dies with the most toys wins.” Christianity says, “He who dies with the most toys, still dies.”

That was the greatest lesson I learned in college when I had my accident, none of us are bulletproof. No matter how happy we may be, the day will come when we all will die (Ecclesiastes 3:2; Hebrews 9:27). It’s the same lesson my parents learned a decade ago. Their PRAYER for a MIRACLE wasn’t answered how they wanted. They were both chain smokers and believed that if smoking was going to kill them, they would die happy.

I was there and I saw each of them waste away, neither were really happy when they died. And this is what John Milton failed to realize—God is in control and we’re not, it’s a basic doctrine of Christianity—God created everything including heaven and hell. I remember seeing the look in my mother’s eyes when she neared the end of her life and realized she was CLOSE to meeting Jesus, oh yeah. Was it a curse or a blessing? My mother couldn’t even hold down liquids without throwing up because her stomach was eaten up with cancer. Together we learned just how brief this life is and how eternal eternity is (Job 7:7; Psalm 78:39; James 4:14). Brief it may be, somewhat like this blog and it is no slice of heaven.

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