Confused (Remixed And Reposted?)

After I posted my last blog, I had a job interview on post at a nearby Army base. As I drove across the base I passed the hospital where both my father and mother were treated for their cancer. I had only been on base a handful of times since my mother died, which is appropriate seeing that in three days it will be nine years exactly since she “passed.”

I use the term “passed” purposefully, because before they each left this world I had the opportunity to ask each where they’d spend eternity. I remember the peace and confidence in their eyes. Helen Keller once said, “Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there’s a difference for me, you know. Because in that other room I shall be able to see.”

I remember the blessing that I felt when they left this COLD WORLD. I remember all of my father’s fears of struggling to make ends meet in this so-called life. I remember him being worried about the price of gas nearing two dollars a gallon. If his cancer didn’t kill him, he would’ve had a heart attack if he had to pay for gas today.

As the primary caregiver, I witnessed both the physical and financial decay of my parents. I watched as the once tough and proud Army Sargent who was my father was humbled to the point that he needed help walking to the bathroom. I remember that last time that I saw my mother in her hospital room as she tried to drink the orange soda that I brought her for her dying wish. It’s so simple to show those we love how we feel by what we do. LOVE WILL LEAVE A MARK.

No, she didn’t want some big expensive gift or a lavish sendoff, she just wanted a simple soft drink and to my horror she couldn’t even drink it all without vomiting some up. My parents always taught me as a child, “It’s the little things that matter most in life. “ Yet, both society and this world believe that it’s all about having the biggest and latest gadgets, cars, toys and the latest video games. People most often place their hope and joy in lifeless things.

The world calls this being “blessed.” Professor, pastor and author D.A. Carson once noted, “The eternal Son did not think of his status as God as something that gave him the opportunity to get and get and get. Instead, his very status as God meant he had nothing to prove, nothing to achieve. And precisely because he is one with God, one with this kind of God, he ‘made himself nothing’ and gave and gave and gave.” The world is all about getting and being on top— unfortunately, the church has let this materialistic mentality replace the biblical definition of blessings, it’s a SAD CONDISHUN to see the saints SELL OUT for petty temporary things that are only a sweet escape from our pain. I wonder, WAS IT WORTH IT? Does the taste of this world’s kiss really satisfy? The world thinks so.

While contrary to what the world believes, Jesus stated in His Beatitudes that those who are really blessed are the poor in spirit, those who mourn, and those who are meek and humble, “For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Andrew Murray writes, “The very first words of His (Jesus) proclamation of the kingdom of heaven reveal the open gate through which alone we enter. The poor, who have nothing in themselves, to them the kingdom comes. The meek, who seek nothing in themselves, theirs the earth shall be. The blessings of heaven and earth are for the lowly. For the heavenly and the earthly life, humility is the secret of blessing.”

Instead of bragging and boasting, we need to be a city on our knees before the mercy tree of God. I know to some this seems RADICAL, but it is clearly biblical ACCORDING TO GOD (Luke 14:11; Philippians 2: 3–11; James 4:6). THIS IS THE TIME to prepare for heaven; this is how we lift our lives up to God; by dying to self daily, we’re not nearly dead, we are to be dead to sin(Romans 6:2).If we expect to go to Heaven, we must die to our old ways, not gratify them under the name of Christianity!

Heaven is real—the kingdom of heaven is a place that will last forever, it’s not temporary or bound by the confines of time like this present earth. Unfortunately, there are many false doctrines and flat out cults in the church that teach that God promises to “bless” His people richly and favorably with earthly treasures. Earthly treasures make us feel good for the moment just like addictive pain killers. Frankly, it’s not just in the “Health, wealth and prosperity” teachings, it’s this self-righteous, “I’m blessed” mentality that has spread in most churches like a cancer and has blinded so many to the truth of the gospel. It’s become the biggest MISCONCEPTION of the modern church; NOTHING IN THIS WORLD is worth losing your soul. THE SIZE OF SIN in today’s society is enormous.

Sometimes it makes me want to puke when I hear this arrogant attitude that contradicts the very Savior we claim to follow and believe in. Jesus taught His disciples that when we do things for a POOR MAN and the least of these, we are doing for Him (Matthew 25:31–46), perhaps we’re entertaining angels unaware. It was the late Confederate soldier, writer and Freemason Albert Pike who said, "What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.”

But that’s not what we believe today, is it? It’s every man for himself, no matter what the cost. The apostle Paul warned his protégé Timothy that in the LAST DAYS there would be false prophets masquerading as angels of light and the people (the church) would turn away from sound doctrine and pursue their own lusts (2 Timothy 4:3). Not that different from the great harlot that the prophet described Jerusalem as (Ezekiel 16: 1–63). Ezekiel’s vision is how God saw His people as they were living in a foreign land—it’s not the picture of a lady, but a very promiscuous NASTY GIRL! Perhaps you think someone like you would never betray Jesus, be careful (1 Corinthians 10:12).

I’ve seen some of the dearest Saints turn out to be the DEVIL IN DISGUISE when the truth came out after the testing of their faith and their lives SHATTERED. Job declared that the man that God corrects is blessed (Job 5:17). The Hebrew word here is esher and it means happiness. So we should be happy when God corrects and disciplines us for it is a sign of His love for us (Hebrews 12:4 – 7), God is simply blessing us by redirecting us from our own selfish desires, not giving them to us. This is the way of El EMMANUEL.

Later the psalmist also states that esher “blessed” is the man who doesn’t walk in the counsel of the wicked (Psalm 1:1–3). On one occasion Jesus was petitioned by someone who had lost a loved one and is demanding their share of an inheritance and Jesus warns them that life is not about getting or being “blessed” by things (Luke 12:15). Ironically, Kohl’s department store has a Christmas commercial with actors and actresses discussing how to “bless” friends and family with gifts and more things, which is straight MIXED UP!

Randy Alcorn explains in his book Heaven, “All the blessings Jesus promised will be ours in the place we live—the New Earth (Matthew 5:2 –11).” The dictionary defines blessing as “The act or words of one that blesses, a thing conductive to happiness or welfare.” In the Old Testament another Hebrew word translated as “bless” is the word barack and it is more often used and can also means praise, congratulate or salute and is even used to mean a curse.

In Genesis after God created the sea creatures, birds and even Adam and Eve, He blessed them and later promised to bless Abram which would in turn one day bless all families of the earth (Genesis 12:1 – 3). Abraham believed God and not just in his mind. He obviously had to do something with Sarah and his action was credited to him as righteousness (6), as a reward he was blessed with children. The psalmist declared that children are a blessing from God (Psalm 127:3).

God’s ultimate desire is to bless mankind—every tribe and every nation (Revelation 7:9–10). Like any father or husband, God’s greatest desire is for those He loves to be with Him. That’s His greatest gift, not worldly and temporary possessions. The Puritan preacher Jonathan Edwards said it best, “It becomes us to spend this life only as a journey toward heaven... to which we should subordinate all other concerns of life. Why should we labor for or set our hearts on anything else, but that which is our proper end and true happiness?”

Yet, still we as a body of so-called “believers” keep missing it; we keep pursuing the gift rather than the giver. How appropriate seeing how we will celebrate Christmas and the BIRTH OF LOVE in a little over three weeks, the greatest gift of God to the entire world born in BETHLEHEM, HOUSE OF BREAD. Of course His own people missed it because of their thirst for power and control. Can you hear them? “WHAT CHILD IS THIS”, they must’ve wondered?

King Herod and the Jews were expecting a mighty and powerful earthly ruler to come to the rescue of the Jews; instead He chose to come as a simple little baby, a message in a baby. The apostle Paul says that it’s because Jesus came in humility that God exalted Jesus to the highest place (Philippians 2:8–10). If the Son of God came to show us how to live, we’re missing it. This is why the lost don’t understand the gospel; it’s counter to their culture. Unfortunately, it’s the opposite of what many Bible believing Christians claim as well, many have forgotten that our blessings are ACQUIRED IN HEAVEN and they keep praying, begging and believing God for the pleasures of this world.

John even shares a story of a time when Jesus’ own followers were hungry and pleading with Him to give them bread like God had given the Israelites in the wilderness and again, just like with the woman at the well a couple chapters earlier, He refuses to give them what they want. Surely, God wants these people to have what they need, water and bread, the BASICS OF LIFE.

Nope, He again offers them something much better, eternal life (John 6:25 – 68). And not to the surprise of Jesus, many refuse this gift and no longer follow Him (66). Their hearts and minds are set on earthly treasures and blessings and not the kingdom of God, they were fatally confused and that is what this last remixed and reposted blog will be about, how many are confused about true life and death. The late Martin Luther King Jr. once stated, “A man who won’t die for something is not fit to live.”


Most people, who know me, know that for the last year my mother has been battling lung cancer. Some of you reading this have walked this path with me and have come alongside me and my family this past year. You were there when my father lost his three-month battle with lung cancer himself.

I was touched by having my church choir family come to the funeral home for the visitation and viewing of my father during the choir rehearsal time. Your words, prayers and kindness were greatly appreciated and comforted me. It was these simple and thoughtful actions that showed me you truly care. Dwight L. Moody said it best, “There are many of us that are willing to do great things for the Lord, but few of us are willing to do little things.” Jesus made it clear in His Sermon on the Mount, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted (Matthew 5: 3 –12).”

Ironically, it was the comfort from my church family that superseded that of my biological family who felt I was cold-hearted for not being upset, while most of my family were grieving my parent’s death, I was comforted because I knew they were in a better place and God had healed them permanently, instead of fixing them for a little while. The early disciples understood this, they knew that Jesus had conquered the grave (1 Corinthians 15:54–56). To the Jews this is a promise of God through the prophet Hosea (Hosea 13:14). The birth of Christ was the death of death which fulfilled over 300 prophecies about the Messiah. For this reason the apostle Paul believed that we have been living in the last days since Jesus’ birth (Romans 13:11).This world is running out of time and all creation knows as it cries out for Jesus’ return.

Randy Alcorn continues in his book Heaven, “The apostle Paul considered it vital for us to know what happens when we die: ‘Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13). Using the euphemism ‘those who fall asleep,’ Paul speaks of those who have died.” The apostle John shares a story when Jesus comforted Martha after her brother Lazarus died, yet Jesus assured her that he lives (John 11:25–26). Albert Einstein once said, “The fear of death is the most unjustified of all fears, for there is no risk of accident for someone who’s dead.” Don’t WE BELIEVE that WE LIVE with our Lord in the city of God? There’s no need for MORE TIME. Why do so many HANG ON to this world, did somebody hit the crazy button?

In an old Seed from the Sower segment Michael Guido shared, “One day while traveling home from a funeral, a friend shared, ‘You’ve been to many countries all around the world, I wish that I could go to one where there weren’t any cemeteries.’ I smiled as I explained, that’s where I’m going once I finish my WORK here on earth. In heaven there will be no sickness, pain or death.” What a joyous thought! It’s a JOY TO THE WORLD that Jesus has freed us from eternal death.

Living with a disability myself, I understand the mortality everyone faces on this earth; like it or not everyone is dying, it’s part of thecircle of life . During the winter months even newborn baby’s breath condensates into a vapor outside on a cold day. No matter if you’re one month or 100 years old, once that mist is gone, you don’t get it back. Listen to how Jesus’ half-brother explained it (James 4:14). Because of sin and the curse our current flesh won’t last.

But for those who belong to Christ there is a blessing, a whole new life free from decay. D.L. Moody once stated, “Soon you will read in the newspaper that I am dead. Don't believe it for a moment. I will be more ALIVE than ever before. In a twisted sort of way, Christians are the original WALKING DEAD, there’s more life left in us after we pass!

Most of you know that I’m an avid cyclist. I often have concerned friends caution me about being careful riding on the highways, especially at night. Not that I’m being sadistic, but my reply is honest, “If by some chance I were to get run over by a truck or other vehicle, don’t worry—at that moment, I’m ON MY WAY home where I’ll no longer be plagued by sin or suffering, IF I DIE TONIGHT, I won’t another STATISTIC. I’ll finally be home— IT’S ALL GOOD.” Mark Twain once said, “The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time. “It’s the only way to truly live with abandon for our Lord.

Randy Alcorn continues, “Your deceitfulness, laziness, lust, deafness, disability and disease are not the real you. They are temporary perversions that will be eliminated. They’re cancer that the Great Physician will surgically remove. His redemptive WORK is such that never again will they return.”

Composer Pepper Choplin beautifully shows this in his anthem Song Of The Saints, my favorite choral anthem— “Tell the loved ones, we are safe now. Tell them we have no more pain. Do not hurry heaven’s journey, but do not fear it just the same. All will go through times of grieving, every tear must be released…. every promise Christ has given through our lives, was proven true.” With such words of encouragement and HOPE I can’t help but wonder why we are so scared of death and why are we so adamant about staying downhere? Surely, we must be confused.

New Life?

In a recent episode of Marvel’s agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. agent May confronted agent Coulson about the changes in him since he nearly died in the line of duty protecting New York City, “There’s no way that you can experience that type of trauma, facing death and not change.” That scene resonated with me deeply since I experienced a similar trauma. In HINDSIGHT, before my accident I was confused.

I spent my younger years partying, drinking and trying to live life to the fullest. To me life was all about having fun and experiencing every pleasure that I could and that’s what I thought it meant to be fully alive . In contrast the Bible says that I was actually dead in my sin (Ephesians 2:5), not ALIVE at all. Kyle Idleman Points out in His Book Gods at War, “When we experience pleasure, there’s a part of us that thinks, yes! This is what I was made for. Even if you haven’t experienced much pleasure in your life, you’ve experienced enough to know that you want more. Thus begins the quest for the elusive NARCOTIC of pleasure. “

In a nutshell this is how we define being happy. The problem is you can never get ENOUGH, you’ll never be satisfied with the temporary pleasures here on earth. King Solomon declared that every pleasure that we work for and dream of here on earth is meaningless (Ecclesiastes 2:1 – 16). And Solomon concludes his perspective on pleasure with “death” (16). King Solomon’s father King David pleaded with his people to stop chasing their dreams and to stop making gods out of earthly things, he reminds them that God has set apart His “faithful” servants for Himself alone (Psalm 4:2–3). So, in the spirit of Christmas—COME ALL YE FAITHFUL!

About 700 years later another Jew would reiterate King Solomon’s message, the apostle Paul wrote to the pastor of the Greek church in Crete, “Say ‘No’ to ungodliness and worldly passions . . . While we wait for our “blessed” hope… Jesus (Titus 2:11–12). I can’t help but feel that we are like the Jews in wondering, what child is this? What did the forefathers of our faith know that we don’t?

Perhaps the wisest and richest man ever knew that real life—satisfying life and the chief purpose of every man and woman is fulfilled after a temporary physical death—for it is then and only then that we will be in the physical presence of God and complete the SACRED LOVE of the bridegroom and bride, a husband and wife. As in earthly marriages, it will be a NEW LIFE. However, it will last always and forever! No “‘Till death do we part”—for death has been defeated. God is glorified when we LET GO completely and surrender everything to Him. One day when I finally meet my lady, I know that I’ll DIE IF I HAVE TO for her, to give everything I am to her. British soccer star Frank Clark once noted, “Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things.”

The birth of Christ on that O’ HOLY NIGHT epitomizes this love of God for His people and He demands the same from us. In his book Mere Christianity C.S. Lewis writes, “Until you have given up yourself to Him you will not have a real self. Sameness is to be found most among the most ‘natural’ men, not among those who surrender to Christ.” Ironically, we look at our present lives as life and what happens after death as the AFTERLIFE, when actually this is what Randy Alcorn calls the “beforelife.” Randy Alcorn explains, “Since in heaven we’ll finally experience life at its best, it would be more accurate to call our present existence the beforelife rather than what follows the afterlife.” The British theologian John Wesley once noted, “The best is yet to come.”

There was a time when I saw dying as a time when we come back to life—but now I understand that we’ve never really lived before. Because it’s in the new heaven, which will be a new earth, that every promise of the Bible will be fulfilled and perhaps even more. As Randy Alcorn explains, “We cannot anticipate or desire what we cannot IMAGINE.” As many of you are reading this today, I am singing in a community choir presentation of Handel’s Messiah. The Messiah begins with the Recitative For Tenor (solo) which is titled Comfort Ye My People. It is a song about God’s promise to COMFORT, HEAL and RESCUE God’s people. Listen to the promise of the bridegroom, “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God, saith your God.”

This promise was fulfilled through the birth of Jesus. One of the popular Christmas carols we all sing is O’ Come Emmanuel. The prophet Isaiah prophesied about Jesus’ birth 700 years beforehand (Isaiah 7:14) and called Him Immanuelle (GOD WITH US), Jesus was God with us in the flesh on this earth, but on the new Earth (heaven) we will be with Him in the flesh. You see, Jesus wasn’t born into this world to fix us ; He came to heal us permanently and take us HOME with Him to live forever! We’re goin’ home to the city of God.

What an incredible love story, isn’t it? Today, ALL AROUND THE WORLD there are millions of women hoping to get a diamond from the man that they love. To most women a diamond says, YOU ARE MINE and I BELONG TO YOU. Marilyn Monroe once sang, “DIAMONDS are a girl’s best friend”, but diamonds won’t last forever—they too will be destroyed. A true lady loves a man for him, not what he can do or will give her— a true Christian will WORSHIP God because He is God, not for what he can get from Him— LET US LOVE God for God’s sake when He says “COME TO ME.” The apostle Paul declared that three things will always REMAIN: faith, hope and love. But love is the greatest (1 Corinthians 13:1), love alone is worth the fight.

Michael Hosea was 100% correct in Francine River’s Redeeming Love, “He stopped and glared at her. ‘It’s a lifetime commitment in my book, lady. It’s not an arrangement you nullify when things get a little tough to bear.” Perhaps this life hasn’t been kind to you and like millions of others you’re TIRED OF THE STRUGGLE. It was Peter who encouraged the early church about suffering for the faith and the blessing it is (1 Peter 3:8 – 13, 4:12 – 19). As my brother Saeed sits wrongfully imprisoned in an Iranian jail, I can’t help but think how blessed he is— Jesus Himself told His followers that we are blessed when we’re persecuted and mistreated in this MAD WORLD (Matthew 5:10). Jesus’ half-brother James declared that we should be joyful for being blessed with this gift (James 1:2 – 12) that one day God will justify. In John’s vision of heaven he saw the Saints crying out for Justice (Revelation 6:7 – 11). God rest Ye merry gentlemen and ladies!

Randy Alcorn continues in his book Heaven, “What prepares us to participate in God’s glory? Our current sufferings (Romans 8:17–18:1 Peter 5:1– 4). ‘For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all’ (2 Corinthians 4:17). Provided we draw our strength from Christ, the greater our troubles now, the greater our glory then. . . In heaven He’ll reward us for our acts of faithfulness to him, right down to every cup of cold water we’ve given to the needy in His name (Mark 9:41).”

Charles Spurgeon wrote, “Tears for Christ’s injured and neglected honor glisten in the crystal of our third bottle. When we hear Jesus’ name blasphemed among men, or see his cause driven back in the day of battle, who will not weep then? Who can restrain his weeping? Christ sees such tears as diamonds; ‘blessed’ are the eyes which flow with such royal treasure.”

In the New Testament there are two words used for blessings, the first is Makarios which is best translated as happiness, Matthew uses this word to describe those Jesus mentioned in the Beatitudes and the apostle Paul uses this word to describe those who are forgiven (Romans 4:6–8). BLESSED ARE THE MERCIFUL (7). The other word is Eulogeo which is focused on words and is what we say over our food before we eat (Matthew 26:26), it also represents the good things we say about people who have passed (Ephesians 1:3). It’s the word we get our word “eulogy” from, which is given at most funerals or “going home” ceremonies.

This is what is found in the epilogue of Redeeming Love, “After sixty-eight years of marriage, Michael was laid to rest. Sarah followed within a month. According to their wishes, only simple wooden crosses marked their graves. However, a few days after Sarah’s burial, an epitaph was found scratched into her marker. Though fallen low God raised her up an Angel.”

An Indiana cemetery has a tombstone more than 100 years old, with the following epitaph: “Pause, stranger, when you pass me by: as you are now, so once was I. As I am now, so will you be. So prepare for death and follow me.” An unknown passerby scratched these additional words on the tombstone: ‘to follow you I’m not content, until I know which way you went.” Pastor Mark Driscoll recently tweeted, “For Christians, this life is as close to hell as we will get. For non-Christians, this life is as close to heaven as they will get.”

And this is the whole purpose behind me writing this book, how we live and act in this life will determine where we spend the rest of eternity. If we really believe in and love God, it will change what we desire and pursue. The Bible is explicit about the church, the lady not loving the things of this world, but being set apart for God (James 4:4, 1 Peter 2:9 –12, 1 John 2:15 – 17).We must be faithful in the little things of this life. John Wilkes Booth’s older brother Edwin Thomas Booth once stated, “When you are older you will understand how precious little things, seemingly of no value in themselves, can be loved and prized above all price when they convey the love and thoughtfulness of a good heart.”

As I read Randy Alcorn’s book Heaven, I was amazed at the things people were hoping for in heaven. I enjoy my cup of Joe, but I could care less if there’s any in heaven. I like horses and big cats, but they are not why I am looking forward to going to heaven. It’s not even the fact that I’ll be reunited with my parents and other loved ones who believed in Jesus. Nor is it because they will be cancer free and restored to health as well as I; it seems like a dream that one day I’ll have a new body with no disability. The memories of my parents’ illnesses and the sorrow my family felt when they didn’t get well will be long forgotten as we stand in the presence of God.

Joni Eareckson Tada writes from her wheelchair about heaven, “I haven’t been cheated out of being a complete person—I’m just going through a 40 year delay, and God is with me even through that. Being ‘glorified’—I know the meaning of that now. It’s the time, when I’ll be on my feet dancing.” Yes, there will be dancing in heaven which excites me! Not even that drives my desire for home or LIVIN’ DREAMS. As we walk in this new life of Christ and He changes us, He changes our hearts and gives us new dreams. Dr. Charles Stanley recently preached, “When you delight in the Lord and find your joy in Him (Psalm 37:5), your heart will change and your dreams as well.” Just like a man I’m sure that God knows when somebody is using Him to get what they want, that’s not love— it’s lust, which is all about getting, not giving! God doesn’t always give us what we want because it’s not always best for us, GOD IS ENOUGH.

As a little boy I had the childhood dream of being able to fly like Superman. On one occasion while my family lived in Italy, I jumped off the storage shed behind our house in an attempt to fly. In heaven we’ll be with the angels and possibly be able to fly in our resurrected and new bodies. There is no telling what may be possible for us to accomplish in heaven, so why do many desire to stay in this life?

John Eldredge writes, “We have settled on an image of the never ending sing-along in the sky, one great hymn after another, forever and never, amen. And our heart sinks. Forever and ever? That’s it? That’s the good news? And then we sigh and feel guilty that we are not more ‘spiritual.’ We lose heart, and return once more to the present to find what life we can.”

Not to sound spiritual, I’m looking forward to finally be able to look God in the eyes and say thank you for your grace, for your precious gift given to the world that You SO LOVED through Jesus (John 3:16). For the countless blessings both realized and not—thank you for the blessing, the gift of my disability. And I’ll rejoice with all the saints of the ages—for the King has come. Soon He will reign over all the nations for a thousand years with the saints who suffered.

Recently, English theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking stated, "I don't think we will survive another thousand years without escaping beyond our fragile planet. I therefore want to encourage public interest in space." That’s fine with me because the bride will be home with Jesus on the new earth which He will REBUILD anew UP FROM THE ASHES and reign as King forever! Again, God will be the center of it all and brighter than any sunshine we can imagine. brighter than those first rays of sunlight after God flooded the earth to cleanse it.

The Bible states that in the days of Noah, “Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. So God said to Noah, ‘I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. . . In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the 17th day of the second month—on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth and the floodgates of the heavens were opened (Genesis 6:11 – 7: 11).”

When God flooded the earth in Noah’s day, it was a baptism of water that brought new life. Later God promised He would never destroy creation with water and blessed Noah and told him to RESTART by being fruitful and multiply (Genesis 8:21, 9:1–2).” The name Noah is a play on the Hebrew word noach which means: to be sorry, console oneself, repent, regret, comfort or to be comforted. This word is also found 13 times in the writings of the prophet Isaiah, note that this word isn’t a feel-good touchy word; it’s an action describing the judgment of God—either a blessing or a curse.

In the Apostle Peter’s second letter to the church, he foretells that God will destroy the earth “By fire (2 Peter 2:13).” This is the ultimate and final purification like the refiner’s fire purifies gold. This is the same Peter who stood by Jesus while others walked away after Jesus offered them the gift of eternal life (John 6:65 – 68). However, Peter declared, “You have the words of eternal life (68).” And that is the gift of the gospel that we celebrate each CHRISTMAS.

For believers and followers of Christ, THE END IS THE BEGINNING of real life, THE LIVING YEARS that will span eternity. Randy Alcorn continues, “With the resources God will lavishly give us on the New Earth, what will we be able to accomplish together? When we think about this, we should be like children anticipating Christmas—sneaking out of bed to see what’s under the Christmas tree.”

Perhaps, there is some reading this blog who don’t BELIEVE in God, you don’t even believe in heaven or hell. And that’s fine, it’s called a gift because it can be accepted or refused—that’s your choice. But know this, you don’t have to believe in hell to go there, that’s man’s default destination because of sin. But you do have to believe in heaven to go there, because believing means living like that’s your home. Or you can try and make your heaven here with the FINER THINGS of this world and eventually lose it all and LOSE THIS LIFE as well.

In his comedy routine, my friend and brother in the faith Brad Stine explains, “You don’t have to believe. So why did He (Jesus) die, so you can have a perfect life? No, so you don’t have to go to hell. Well, I don’t believe in a God who would send people to hell. He didn’t give hell for you, this is great about Christianity, He (God) gives you all the answers—hell was created for the devil and his angels, that’s part the rules He put in place, anybody who rebels against Him, that’s where they are going… So if you go to hell, you chose it…. Well what are you saying I should just believe in Jesus so I don’t go to hell? Pretty much!” For those who submit to and follow Jesus there is no more Hell to pay.

In what’s likely his last public message, the Rev. Billy Graham shared, “We deserve hell, we deserve judgment and all that it entails. The cross is offensive because it directly confronts the evil which dominates much of this world.” I don’t know about anyone else reading this blog, but I know how selfish and sinful I am. I CROSS THAT LINE between right and wrong daily. I know what my triggers are; I GET WICKED in an instant. I’ve experienced THE FEVER of desire and LOST MY WAY. Fortunately, THE SIZE OF GRACE is sufficient and JESUS’ BLOOD HAS COVERED ME. He’s saved me from myself, He’s my HERO. Christian rapper Lacrae shared during Billy Graham’s message, “Jesus lived a life I could not live and died the death I should have died. . . I gained everything when I put my trust in Him.” Still, we must fight ourselves because here is not WHERE WE FROM.

Andrew Murray writes in his book humility, “The hopeless struggle against the workings of self and pride within us may indeed become still more hopeless as we think of the power of darkness behind it all; the utter despair will fit us the better for realizing and accepting a power and a life outside of ourselves too, the humility of heaven as brought DOWN and brought nigh by the Lamb of God, to cast out Satan and his pride.” If we can learn anything from Satan, it’s this, finding the quickest way to the top of the ladder and doing whatever we must to be great in this life doesn’t get us to heaven—it sends us down from it, just like with Satan and a third of the Angels in heaven.

Andrew Murray continues, “Humiliation is the only ladder to honor in God’s kingdom.” We can’t come to God and keep playing the SAME OL’ GAME as the world, we CAN’T FAKE IT. Jesus told His disciples that He is the way to the father in heaven (John 14: 1-6), not to the earthly riches and fame. Fourteenth century German writer Thomas à Kempis wrote, “Without the way there is no going; without the truth there is no knowing; without the life, there is no living.” Yet, many in the church present the gospel as some get rich quick Ponzi scheme that allows us to get, get, get. That’s not the gospel, get over it!

Billy Graham continued, “One reason the cross is offensive to people is because it demands, it doesn’t suggest—a new lifestyle in all of us. Sin is a disease in the human heart. The Bible says, ‘If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. All things pass away, everything becomes new (2 Corinthians 5:17).’ He can make you a totally new person.” It took me nearly dying physically in that car accident almost 17 years ago to finally help me realize what living really is, MY WHOLE LIFE CHANGED—now I’M TURNT, not confused.

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