
Last month I took my end of summer road trip to Atlanta for the Christian music Festival Celebrate Freedom. It’s my favorite road trip of the year and one of the scariest drives I force myself to take, it’s always worth it. The day is filled with a flood of emotions and being encouraged (1 Thessalonians 5:10–11).

Being legally blind, I have problems driving at night. This year was particularly nerve-racking as crews worked on I-75S over the weekend. All three lanes tried to merge into one to navigate the construction area; everyone was ready to go off and holla.

I didn’t help myself by driving downtown for dinner. What should’ve been an 1.5 cruise down the interstate turned into a 2 hour melee of dodging cars and 18-wheelers, facts of big city life.

Driving in Atlanta with 6 million other people is always a thriller! Fortunately for me I thrive off the adrenaline rush when I’m frightened.


The dictionary defines frighten as: “To make afraid or fearful, terrify or drive away by scaring." I’m not sure if it’s my faith or I’m just stupid, but I tend to be drawn to dangerous things like a moth to a flame; it makes me do crazy things.

Usually the first thing I do at the festival is take a ride on the lift over the fairgrounds; heights give me a rush like nothing else, maybe that’s why I like the mountains. This year I decided to ride at night and could see a million lights; as I passed over the food vendors the smell tempted me to take a dive into their tents.

I enjoy these moments because my faith tells me, fear not (Joshua 1:9, Psalm 56:3, 1 John 4:18, 1 Peter 5:7.) Fear isn’t the opposite of faith, but the catalyst for it.

Throughout the Bible we see stories of God’s people facing trials, emerging from the refiner’s fire with a stronger faith, even if they lose it all. When the early church was persecuted, they fled and the gospel of Jesus spread. The saints were considered faithful because they kept their faith when things got tough (Hebrews 11:1-40).


Faith is, “Confidence or trust in a person or thing, a belief that is not based on proof.” Stronger Christians than I say faith is the substance of things hoped for, but not seen.

Faith grows stronger when we’re afraid.

The older we get, our faith grows or we wear ourselves out worrying. Jesus promised Jesus promised believers they would face trials in this world; but we can have peace, because He has overcome this world (John 16:33), He won’t let you down.

I couldn’t imagine going through life without Him. My heart broke as I watched the monster storm Irma devastate Florida. People walked through flooded streets like zombies.

However, it’s all good for believers; like King David was tested in the fields while shepherding—we know God is faithful and there is no need to be frightened!

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