Show Me?

A few years ago, my mentor gave me some advice about women. It’s some of the best advice I’ve ever received on love.

He sat me down and said, “When a woman really cares about you or is interested in you. She will let you know. You will know how she feels or what she wants.”

These days our society confuses the concept of love with a plethora of other things: sex, enjoyment, liking and even happiness.

Everyone’s in love with the idea of fallin' in love. That’s why everyone enjoys saying, “I love you.” It’s why so many people like to play house and never actually get married.

However, it takes more courage to actually show love than it does to simply say “love.” The apostle John urges us to not love in word, but in deed (1 John 3:18). Love is more than a statement, it’s wonderful.

Personally, I don’t want a woman telling her friends, my friends or coworkers or even myself how she feels. I want a woman to show me.

Show Me?

And that is what this blog will be about. The old cliché is true; actions speak louder than words. We can talk about how much we love this or that until the cows come home, yet never put our words to work.

And love takes a lot of work, not just saying the right things at the right times. How we spend our time and energy shows what we really care about. We pursue what we love.

When you really care about someone, it’s the little things like a smile or wink that mean the most and can hurt the most. Not just the big things like not messin' around with someone else.

Real love is exclusive and all-inclusive to one person, a can't sleep love. That’s a hard truth that many today can’t understand.

When I was younger I heard a preacher tell the congregation, “Show me your checkbook and I’ll show you what matters most to you. I’ll show you who your God really is.”

The church’s first love is God and everything else second. Showing love for God is always greater than saying love. Not what a person professes to believe, how they live their lives out from day-to-day reveals what they love. Jesus taught us to love God, body, mind and soul.

Scripture is clear that God knows more than just our deeds (Revelation 2:2), He knows our hearts (Jeremiah 17:10). God is all knowing.


The apostle John declared that God’s people would be known by their love for each other (John 13:35), not their words. Today, many profess their love for God in word, but deny Him by their lifestyles. We are to live unashamed.

I’m sure they know if they deny Jesus here, He will deny them in heaven (Matthew 10:32-33). the God I know doesn’t reword words, He rewards actions. That is what Jesus had to go to the cross to show me.

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