More?(Remixed And Reposted)

After I finished my last blog, God gave me a reality check and I thought to myself, "Oh great, HERE WE Go." That still small voice inside reminded me why author Jerry Jenkins recommended I join the Christian Writers Guild and take classes two years ago and honestly the voice blew my EGO. Jerry explained, "The mark of a true writer is knowing how to say more by writing less." I began wrestling with Holy Spirit about retracting what I wrote in my last blog about their lengths. Soon I realized that it is human nature for us to want more of everything, isn't it? It's been that way since not long after the beginning.

Remember, sin was birthed in THE GARDEN when Adam and Eve wanted more: knowledge, food, whatever. The prophet Moses even tells us that the serpent was more crafty than any of the animals in the garden and he tells "The woman," "Take the fruit and your eyes will be opened, you will be more like God, knowing good and evil." Sound familiar? Later Cain or Qayn kills his brother Abel, Qayn is from the Hebrew word qanah which means "to acquire" or "to possess." So Cain wanted to get "more," perhaps he was jealous and full of pride, which are what? Listen to what the writer of Hebrews has to say about Able (Hebrews 11:4). By faith, his offering was his best and was more acceptable to God. Christian author Jerry Bridges explains, "God searches the heart and understands every motive. To be acceptable to Him, our motives must spring from a love for Him and a desire to glorify Him."

Cain wanted to get more, while Able wanted to give more; to the point of hurting, which makes it a true sacrifice. The Hebrew word for "sacrifice" (korban, le-hakriv) is from the same root as "to come near, to approach. . . . to become closely involved in a relationship with someone." For this is meant to be the essence of the experience which the bearer of the sacrifice undergoes. And Cain gets angry with Able because he gave more, like God (John 3:16). This is what love is. Listen to what God tells Cain to do (Genesis 4:7). Sin entered the garden and man forgot God's voice in his pursuit for more. Likewise the Christian faith demands that we live soldout for Christ or we're nothing more than sellouts.

The church can't balance worldly lifestyles with Christianity. There are no maybes in Christianity, either we believe in and follow Jesus or we don't. Perhaps this is why Jesus made it clear for us to stand by what we say ( Matthew 5:37,13:19 ,1 John 5:18) perhaps this is why John called the church at Laodicea lukewarm (Revelation 3:15-16), they straddled the fence. Warm water is half cold and half hot, and Jesus spits it out (Revelation 3:16). While the "Other son of David" makes it clear you can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't have peace and war at the same time, they are separated (Ecclesiastes 3:1-10). You don't build something up and TEAR IT DOWN at the same time. You don't grieve and dance at the same time. This would be chaotic and God is not a God of disorder ( 1 Corinthians 14:33). There can't be NO CHURCH IN THE WILD, the world.

In my final assignment for my Apprentice course to the Christian Writers Guild I came across this quote by theologian Walter Wangerin Jr. about what it means to be a writer, "It is my job to seek God in the common things; indeed, to believe that God is already in the common things ahead of and outside of me. This happens in three ways: first of all, to see the glory of God in the world, to perceive it, define it, sometimes to be stunned by the discovery of it when I hadn't been looking well ENOUGH. Second, having received it, to acknowledge it, to salute it, to be aware of it, to DANCE with it, to think about it, to engage with it-- and having engaged with it, to give that glory back to God. The third part involves writing--- or maybe I should say praise. Ultimately, it is my job to praise." Regardless of how my life is going, I must PRAYZE HIM, single or otherwise. Again, I'm at a point in my life where I'm content and trusting God to lead me to the lady He knows is best for me, I WILL FIND YOU.

Christian singer Beckah Shae recently tweeted, "You may want more things so you can enjoy life, but God wants to give you Life so you may enjoy more things." Somehow the Bride has become confused, we've made idols out of worldly things because we've been taught that God wants us to have the best of this world. Jesus’ words about "Abundant life" have been twisted into an adulterous life, haven't they? John Piper recently tweeted, "If we turn from God to treasure something more, it will prove to be a hard master. An eternally hard master." The church has so many more resources and knowledge of God, yet somehow we act no differently than the Israelites. Of course we talk our "church talk" about how God is enough, but we still want more don't we? Have we forgotten what it means to walk with God? What it means for Him to be all we need?

As Joshua Harris shares in his book Dug Down Deep, "There's a story in the Bible of a young king named Josiah, who lived about 640 years before Christ. I think Josiah could have related to me-- being religious but ignorant of God. Josiah's generation had lost God's Word. And I don't mean that figuratively. They literally lost God's Word. It sounds ridiculous, but they essentially misplaced the Bible." This is where it hits close to home doesn't it? Doesn't the Bride think SHE LOOK GOOD ?

Harris continues,"If you think about it, this was a pretty big deal. We're not talking about a pair of sunglasses or set of keys, the creator of the universe had communicated with mankind through the prophet Moses. He gave His law. He revealed what He was like and what He wanted. He told His people what it meant for them to be His people and how they were to live. All this was dutifully recorded on a scroll. Then the scroll, which is more precious beyond measure, was stored in the holy Temple. But later it was misplaced and no one knows how... But here's the really sad thing: nobody noticed it was missing. No search was made. Nobody checked under the couch. It was gone and no one cared. For decades those who wore the label 'God's people' actually had no communication with Him." And silence can be deafening, remember?

Harris writes, "They wore their priestly robes, they carried on their traditions in a beautiful temple, and they taught their messages that were so wise, so insightful, so inspirational. But it was all a bunch of hot air--- nothing but their own opinions. Empty ritual. Their robes were costumes, and their temple was an empty shell. This story scares me because it shows that it's possible for a whole generation to go happily about the business of religion, all the while having lost a true knowledge of God..... Their made up gods let them live however they wanted. It was 'me-ology' masquerading as theology. The results were not pretty. Messed up theology leads to messed up living." Webster's dictionary defines theology as, "The field of study and analysis that treats of God and of God's attributes and relations to the universe; study of divine things or religious truth; divinity." have you bought the lie?

What's the most important thing in any relationship? In your marriage? How many couples you know that have been married for decades and still have a problem communicating? Even with all of the technology available today: from cell phones to computers and Facebook, or facelessbook as I call it. Sure they look happy on the outside. But on the inside the wife wants to tell her husband , "I just to be with you, come home. But, in order to keep up the FACADE she keeps going through the motions of marriage.

As Bill Hybels explains in Honest To God, "In an authentic marriage, you genuinely delight in one another's uniqueness. You also know how to give and receive love in such a way that you both feel loved. And you enjoy the fun, romantic side of your marriage so much that you don't have any trouble keeping your affection centered at home. In an inauthentic marriage, you may talk about treasuring your spouse's uniqueness, but in reality you barely tolerate them. You may try to offer one another love in meaningful ways, but often you and your your spouse end up feeling unloved and misunderstood. And fun and romance? It's something you wistfully long for, but it's never more than a dream. The grass always looks greener somewhere else."

A foundational teaching in men's ministry is that the only person who can meet your emotional needs is your spouse and you're the only one can meet hers; because it's only a matter of time before that emotional need becomes a physical want and gives birth to full-blown adultery. Men and women are different in more ways than just physical. Generally women need more attention to meet their emotional needs, while men require more physical attention(sex) to get there emotional needs met. Either way, if emotional needs aren't met, one doesn't feel loved and it's only a matter of time before one commits adultery to meet that need.

In the Old Testament when God's CHOZEN turned from Him and worshiped other gods, the prophets called Israel adulterers (Jeremiah 5:7, 9:2, 13:27, 29:23) and later in the New Testament Jesus described the religious Pharisees and scribes (the church) as an adulterous generation (Matthew 12:39, 16: 4, Mark 8:38). A. W. Tozer once wrote, "The final test of love is obedience." We must remain faithful out of love, folks.

When the church starts looking for satisfaction and fulfillment in any place other than their relationship with Jesus, it's only a matter of time before we turn from His teachings altogether. Oswald Chambers once said, "When … people learn to rely not on their own power and wisdom, but to depend on God, there is no limit to their usefulness in God's service." So what does this say for the Bride when we teach, "Bring the tithes into the storehouse and God will give you more?" The prophet Malachi (3:10) says God will open the floodgates of heaven, I don't believe heaven is full of worldly things like: money, cars, clothes, cell phones or whatever our wildest dreams may be. Those are just FOOL'S GOLD, all shiny on the outside, but they lack integrity and longevity. Jesus promises a "Water that satisfies and lasts."

Floodgates hold back what's on the OTHERSIDE, spiritual and heavenly things. These are the things that are far better than we can imagine. despite what false prophets.. false teachers say, there is no First Bank of Jehovah God. When Christ died on the cross, He died for our sins and to set us free from being slaves to this world and the gospel is we're free for good. Why would God give us more of this world? Isn't that making slaves again?

In 1997 God set me free from a life of sex, drugs and alcohol. Why go back? In the recovery movement we have a saying, "Whatever level of addiction you get off the elevator when you stop drinking or using, that is where you start at if you get back on. And it takes more alcohol or drugs to satisfy your fix." Living for sex leads to wanting more sex, living for drugs leads to wanting more drugs and so on. And it's not just true of alcohol, drugs and sex. It's anything you want more of than God, the Bible calls this idolatry. Maybe this is why greed is one of the seven deadly sins. More equals more and it's not good. The more caffeine you take in the more your body gets used to it and the less it works, thus you begin to consume more caffeine to get your fix. All the while frying your neuroreceptors and damaging your kidneys. Is it worth it?

This is how our appetites work. The more you eat, the more your body gets used to consuming and the more it takes to satisfy the hunger. We program our bodies to crave more don't we? The gospel is clear the bride should get drunk on God (Proverbs 20:1, 23:20, 23:30, Romans 13:13, Ephesians 5:18). I can be open about this, because that was my life. I can even remember a conversation in college when an old college friend (I'm not mentioning any names or colors) told me she could count the number of people she had sex with on her fingers. My reply, "I can count the number of sex partners I had on all my fingers and toes." Again, I found myself saying HELLO to the Holy Spirit, the guilt and shame, the conviction let me know that I needed to CHANGE MY LIFE. In those six years that I walked away from God, my ego and appetite for this world grew out of control.

The gospel revolves around less of this world and more of God. Isn't Christianity about becoming more like God to bring Him glory? We are made in His image. The more we depend on God and suffer for His name, the more we become like Him, we become His masterpieces. Have you ever noticed how couples that have been together for years began to look and act alike? Remember Able's offering? Christian writer Skye Jethani asks, "We use God as a means of building or repairing our families; we use Him as a sex therapist; He is our political adviser and our financial planner. From God's hand we seek family, sex, power, and wealth—but do we actually want God Himself?"

Jason Clark explains in his book Surrendered And Untamed, "Noah to Abraham, Gideon to Peter, Martin Luther to Mother Teresa—they each had moments where they believed, stepped into the promises from God, acted like utter fools, stood toe-to-toe with their giants, and history was never the same. I've got to tell you there's nothing safe in believing; there's no guarantee that you will come through with all your body parts intact. There's also no guarantee you won't literally die trying. [But] there are things worse than dying; like always wondering what might have been if you'd just trusted and acted or spoken or loved. A life filled with regret has nothing to do with the kingdom. You're either running toward or running away. I'm sorry, but there's no third choice. Surrendering allows me to live as an untamed, violently believing, God-loving lunatic who is pushing further and further into His promises each day." Isn't that how we all want to be loved? Remember, were not promised everything we want, just our needs.

What scares me the most is when preachers spazz out and say, "Don't let the devil keep you from your dreams. Don't let the devil tell you that you can't get that car or whatever, JUST PRAY." When the bride hears this, THE CHURCH CLAP and then they put their hands in the air like a child wanting more. Why would the devil try to keep us from becoming slaves again? Isn't wanting more and to be greater than God what got Satan and his angels banished to hell? Devils get dropped, do you know your enemy? Newsflash folks, you don't have to believe in hell to go there. But you do have to believe in heaven to go there. Isn't it the Holy Spirit's job to convict us of doing wrong, to lead us on the path of God? Which leads me to wonder, has the bride forgotten what her groom's voice sounds like?

Has the emotional adultery already begun? Has the church confused the voice of the God with that of the devil and the world? When a man loves a woman, he can't wait to hear the sound of her voice. I wonder if Jesus looks at the bride and thinks, who is that girl, if you don't know me by now? Will the bride ever GET IT RIGHT? Even our church talk is jacked up, we're taught to pray in Jesus' name. But do you know what it means? It's love. It's a sacrifice. It's suffering. It's humility. Whose voice do you LISTEN to? We even pray with more words than others to make us look spiritual don't we? Which Jesus warned us not to do (Matthew 6:5 -7). This takes the focus off of God and puts it on us. Remember the parable of the tax collector and the Pharisee? More stuff and knowledge result in inflated egos and pride (1 Corinthians 8:1) Jimmy Buffett once stated, "We are the people our parents warned us about." How true is that of the church?

Didn’t Jesus declare that His Bride knows His voice and would never follow a stranger( John 10:5)? In his book Radical David Platt explains, "So what is the difference between someone who willfully indulges in sexual pleasures while ignoring the Bible on moral purity and someone who willfully indulges in the selfish pursuit of more and more material possessions while ignoring the Bible on caring for the poor? The difference is that one involves a social taboo in the church and the other involves the social norm in the church.”

Bill Hybels explains, "God always promises an abundant reward to those who sow the seeds of giving. Does that mean that everyone who tithes gets rich? Some people think so. They preach a 'prosperity theology' which in its exaggerated form piggybacks the hedonistic American mindset and seeks to 'obligate' God to prosper them financially. Remember the genie in a bottle mindset? Hybels explains, "Increase comes after a reasonable interval. Too many people try to test God by saying, 'Okay, I'll tithe this week. If I don't see the increase by next week, that's it. Never again!' That approach proves two things. It proves that person is trapped in a 'give to get' mentality; he has no interest in giving as an expression of worship and obedience. It also proves he has a lot to learn about trust. Trust means we patiently wait without doubting the outcome. We obey even we don't see immediate rewards. The principal of interval gives us the chance to prove our trust."

Listen to what the wisest man who ever lived had to say about possessions and money (Ecclesiastes 5:10-20) how much is enough? Christian rapper Pro recently tweeted, "Money doesn't change a person. It just reveals what is already there." The top reasons couples divorce are: infidelity(adultery), poor communication and money. Most of the communication in marriage is when couples argue about money. Remember what the other son of David said about money? Listen to the words of Jesus(Matthew 6:24). Besides you can't take it with you (Ecclesiastes 2:17-26). If we try, we will get stuck in this life (Matthew 6:24, Luke 16:13, James 4:4). Solomon tells us, "Don't waste your life chasing worldly things. And that is what this blog will be about, what matters more or less.


When I posted my last blog, I forgot to post the rest of the story on happiness for me. Just because I want someone in my life to help me be better, doesn't mean I don't want to be happy. I do, but I want to be happy for the long term, not temporarily like the song said. people and things give temporary happiness. When I was in college I wanted to do what made me happy at that moment, alcohol, sex or drugs. Usually in that order. But like I mentioned before that was momentarily and that happiness or JOY faded, leaving me wanting more, more alcohol, more drugs, more sex. It wasn't truly fulfilling.

But Jesus said that anyone that comes to Him, will never thirst again. So they will never want more. They will be satisfied. So He will never let me down, remember my relationship with Jesus makes me a better person. I do want to be happy, but not just momentarily, I don't want to keep wanting more. More of what I have with whatever or whomever I have. I believe when we wait on God and His perfect will and His perfect time, we will be satisfied. I've always said that wait is the ugliest four letter word for a Christian, especially me. I know I won't be happier but a better man. I will not want more. Still we all want to be somebody.


Socrates once said, "The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less." As of February 27, 2012 pastor and author David Platt's Radical has remained for 81 weeks on the New York Times Best-Seller List (Paperback Advice & Misc.) and 20 months on the CBA Top 50 Best-Seller List, including 17 months in the top 10. What I find ironic and scary is Platt's conclusion isn't really radical by Christ's standard. It's only more biblical; In the context of the world, Christianity is to be radical by definition. We're called to be set apart (Exodus 19:5-6, Deuteronomy 7:6, 14:2, 26:18, Isaiah 43:21, 61:6, Malachi 3:17, Titus 2:14,1 Peter 2:9) and later we HEAD TO THE HEAVENS. The church needs to grow some, more spiritually and less worldly. Only then will we be able to discern between good and evil (Hebrews 5:13-14). Speaker and author Rick Joyner says, "Life is more than just knowing the truth - — it is having that truth become our life."

I'm about to GO OFF and I'm not holding back. I can't help but wonder if in the church's pursuit to become more relevant, it's become less biblical. I can't tell who is impacting or changing who. Christian Fellowship has been watered down to nothing more than a time for gossip and socializing about our worldly likes and desires; the "oneness in Spirit" has become oneness in lust. God's greatest gift to the world, grace has become nothing more than a get out of jail free card. When we look at it this way, it becomes less powerful than God intended it to be. Grace is a second chance to get it right, not to keep doing it wrong. I know we're human and we're going to make mistakes, however if we get up and learn from them we become wiser. This isn't love if it doesn't hurt.

We have brought coffeehouses and bookstores into our churches, we gotta get it and we look good and ATTRACTIVE on the outside. While America has taken prayer out of our schools and tried to redefine marriage and the family. God defined marriage, not America: not California, not Chicago, not the Supreme Court, not Chick-Fil-A and not even Christians. God did (Genesis 2: 20-25) and our founding fathers knew this. It's almost like the bride Doesn't want to go home, so we try to fit in here, I'm not. Just because the bridegroom is faithful doesn't justify the bride being unfaithful or her wanting more from somewhere else. In a marriage does one spouse's faithfulness justify another's unfaithfulness? Certainly not, nor does grace justify more sin. Has the adultery begun? Shame on us. Even the world knows this.

Remember, since the fall in the garden man knows the difference between good and evil. Does the church? The recent shooting in Arura , Colorado is evidence of this. The whole nation (Christians and non-Christians) has rallied calling this tragedy blatantly evil. Yet the country stands divided on the issue of abortion. Obamacare finances it and endorses it. But I ask you, how is abortion any less evil than the tragedy in Colorado? The difference is one took place in a movie theater and was executed with guns. The other takes place in a mother's womb with doctor's.. I mean butcher's instruments. How can we not call blending a human being up like a milkshake evil?

There are Christians, who are just as dangerous with the gospel as people are with guns....more like people trying to look Godly, isn't that what the apostle Paul said ( 2 Corinthians 11:12-15)? Isn't that how Satan and his angels twist the truth to benefit them? So how will I know the difference? In his book Listening To God (In Times of Choice) Gordon T.Smith explains, "We live as well as we discern ..Discernment is a discriminating choice between two or more good options....Where good and evil are set before us, we do not need to discern. We are called to avoid evil and do good. Discernment in these situations is not needed; we need only to obey... The Holy Spirit rebukes, and convicts us of sin. The Spirit consoles, comforts and brings encouragement. The Spirit guides and directs and reveals the mind of God." According to Paul at salvation I am to live like my MIND GONE (Romans 12:2). Only then will we know the perfect will of God (Romans 12:3).

At this point let me clarify something, God does give us God honoring desires and He promises to give us those desires of our hearts (Psalm 21:2, 37:4, 145:19), if they're in accordance with His will. And we feel THE BURN for it inside our hearts. Not so we can be boastful or proud, but to glorify Him. James Merritt recently stated," The will of God will never take you were the peace of God can't keep you." It takes discernment to determine the difference between God's voice and our own wants. In reality it's SO SIMPLE, remember ALL I NEED IS God and He will fight for you. God, you are my god, you come first.

Smith explains, "The model of friendship with God assumes the phenomena of two wills and freedoms, God's and mine, in continual interconnection. But my response to God, and particularly to the will of God, must be a response of submission. We are friends of God, but we are not equal with God, the will of God must of necessity have priority. God is God. Our Christian experience is lived in submission and response to the love and will of God... It's comparable to the actions of the lead partner in ice-skating. In ice-skating, as in any form of dance, there must be a leader. One partner leads, the other follows. The one who follows is not passive or limp, but eagerly engaged in response. There is a give and take, point and counterpoint. One who follows exercises a personal will in the dance. The lead skater does not drag the other across the ice. Rather, the genius of the dancing on ice is that one leads, the other follows in full response. Both are fully engaged."

The current trend and rave in the dance scene is flash mobs. This is where large numbers of seemingly ordinary people break out in spontaneous dance choreography. There are even TV shows and contests to see who can have the most dancers in a mob. The idea is the more dancers you have, the more visually spectacular it is. Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer just two dancers dancing in harmony as one. Perhaps this is why I'm a huge fan of Dancing With The Stars, I like keeping it simple. Besides I have a hard enough time keeping up with one woman, much less 50 or 100. This is a far cry from the man I used to be. Now I understand why God meant for sex to be between a husband and wife only. Now I don't have to worry about STDs or unplanned pregnancies. Actually it's much deeper than that.

I guess this further proves that as I spend more time with God, I am going through changes to become more like Him and less like the person I used to be. Isn't this what the apostle Paul meant by instructing us to be "crucified" with Christ(Romans 6:4,7:6,13:14, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 6:15, Ephesians 2:10, 4:24, Colossians 3:12)? This is THE PRICE OF LIFE WHEN YOU ARE A SOLDIER, hoo. Remember everything about the tao Jesus and His disciples walked is about being humble, becoming less (John 3:29-31) and we are commanded to follow Him(Philippians 2:1-8). It's not optional, it's not radical. It's biblical. God gets all the glory when we decrease, the Bible is full of stories about this. Remember Job? Remember when Gideon was preparing to lead Israel against the Midianites? God told Gideon that he had too many soldiers (Judges 7:1-2).

Bill Hybels asks, "What's the key to being effectively used by God? A humble, submissive heart that's tuned into the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, 'You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.' When I'm preoccupied with my own agenda, I stumble upon few opportunities to be God's spokesperson. But when I quiet myself in the morning, give my day to the Lord and ask Him to work through me, I often find opportunities and sense God's power at work." The Jesus paradigm works in accordance with our faith: the less we see, the more our faith will grow (Hebrews 11:1, 2 Corinthians 4:18, 5:7). German theologian (you know it) George Mueller wisely stated, "When sight ceases, it is the time for faith to work." The Bible even says a little spiritual yeast can affect the whole loaf (Matthew 13:33, 1 Corinthians 5:6, Galatians 5:9). If the bride would start STANDING TALL she could effect the whole nation... The whole world.

President Theodore Roosevelt famously said, "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Later Jesus taught His disciples that with a little faith, they can do much (Matthew 13:31, 17:20, Luke 17:6). He Taught us to have faith like a little child (Psalm 131:2, Matthew 18:2-4, 19:14, Mark 10:15, Luke 18:17). I can even say now I see that less is BEAUTIFUL and more powerful than more (money, things, reputation). Yet we want and seek more?

Hybels explains, "It beckons and woos us. It tantalizes and seduces us. It sucks us into its grasp and wreaks havoc in our lives. And still we deny its sinister power.... The first step in breaking the sinister power of money is to pursue a more vital relationship with Jesus Christ. People who walk with Him on a consistent, daily basis make an amazing discovery: He satisfies their soul at its deepest level. As they experience this, they find less and less need to ease the pain in their souls with the temporary anesthetics money can buy. They're less obsessed with expensive clothes, luxury cars, and exotic vacations." A few years ago there was a trend in the fashion and modeling industry where the GIRL NEXT DOOR look was in high demand. These were women that weren't all glammed up like a Hollywood diva. Beautiful girl, you are more than just a pretty face. Those of you who know me, know how much I detest makeup, especially lipstick. Because in a marriage, you can't cover up or HIDE anything anymore can you? Years ago after my near death experience I became depressed because I felt like I was less than a man because of my disability, that was my ROCK BOTTEM as an addict.

Some 17 years later, I can now see how being disabled allows me to see and do more: my sense of smell is enhanced and there is a keen awareness and insight in regards to other people living with disabilities. I recently shared with a friend, "People with disabilities don't just look different. We look at the world and life differently, we understand WHAT MATTERS MOST." I know that this NEW LIFE God has given me is better than drugs, sex, alcohol or anything this world has to offer. The world and the devil want to convince us it's about what we want and can have, now. But as Christ's disciples we are called to wait on God. Scott Peck says, "Delayed gratification is the process of scheduling the pain and pleasure of life in such a way to enhance pleasure by meeting and experiencing the pain first and getting it over with. it is the only decent way to live." Christians are meant to live for more than this world can offer, there's more to life than senseless temporary stuff. Look into the eyes of a new born baby and you'll understand it immediately.

Bill Hybels put it this way, "Discipline means enduring the discomfort or inconvenience now so we can enjoy the future reward . When I see seekers who matter to God poking around the garbage heaps for meaning in life; when I see them dashing from bar to bar, lover to lover, toy to toy, fun-fix to fun-fix; when I see them repeatedly turn down dead-end streets--I fill with pity and want to shout, "Stop the endless searching! Stop picking at refuse piles! Experience God's love. The stockpile of His blessing is waiting to spill over into your life."

The fact is things and success make us feel good, a relationship with Jesus makes us HOLY and want to live a good life. C.S. Lewis once wrote, "It is not your business to succeed, but to do right: when you have done so, the rest lies with God." Me without God equals nothing. What if the Bride wanted you more beautiful savior than of this world and this life? Only you know how to save a life, HOW GREAT THOU ART.

Just after I finished both my assignment and my blog, I decided to go for a celebration half-century bike ride through the countryside. About 22 miles into the ride I noticed that my breathing had become sporadic and my temperament was growing more aggressive. I cried out to God help me finish my ride. I pulled over to a church and laid down in the shade under a tree to lower my body temperature. In those few moments I sensed that still small voice (God) say, "You have a choice; finish your ride or finish the race I set before you." Due to my disability and health concerns, I've learned to listen to my body and the voice of God. When we stop listening to the Holy Spirit and other Christians whom God sometimes speaks through we become modern Pharisees, because we want to look like we have it all together. In the end we are only hurting ourselves. As I finished my final lesson in my course with The Christian writers Guild I came across these statements, "Writers with big egos are easy to find-- and even easier for editors to ignore. But Christ-centered writers with a passion for meeting readers' needs are harder to come by. How can a new writer succeed? Jerry B. Jenkins says, 'Editors are looking for writers with'.... the--ilities: humility, teachability, coachability, and flexibility." God has always had the ability to make something out of nothing, it's been that way since the beginning (Genesis 1:1-2), hasn't it? What makes us think we can do more?

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